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Інфінітив. Вправи.

1.  Перекладіть на англійську, вживаючи правильну форму інфінітива:


1. Я радий, що розповів вам цю історію.
2. Я радий, що мені розповіли цю історію.
3. Я хочу познайомити вас з цієї артисткою.
4. Я хочу, щоб мене познайомили з цієї артисткою.
5. Я радий, що зустрів її на станції.
6. Я радий, що мене зустріли на станції.
7. Ми дуже щасливі, що запросили його на вечір.
8. Ми дуже щасливі, що нас запросили на вечір.
9. Він буде щасливий відвідати цю знамениту картинну галерею.
10. Він був щасливий, що відвідав цю знамениту картинну галерею.
11. Діти люблять, коли їм розповідають казки.
12. Я не припускав зупинятися на цій станції.
13. Я не очікував, що мене зупинять.
14. Я шкодую, що заподіяв вам стільки занепокоєння.
15. Він не виносить, коли йому брешуть.
16. Я згадав, що вже зустрічав це слово в якійсь книзі.
17. Мені дуже шкода, що я пропустив цю цікаву лекцію.
18. Вона щаслива, що чула концерт відомого італійського диригента.
19. Вона рада, що була присутня на лекції.
20. Він дуже задоволений, що закінчив свою книгу.
21. Наші спортсмени пишаються тим, що виграли кубок.
22. Я тільки хочу, щоб мені дозволили допомогти вам.
23. Я був вдячний, що мені дали кімнату з великим вікном.
24. Він був щасливий, що повернувся додому.
25. Він був щасливий, що знову вдома.
26. Я шкодую, що перервав Вас.
27. Я жалкую, що не застала вас вдома.
28. Джейн була щаслива, що їде від місіс Рід.
29. Рочестер був радий познайомитися з Джейн.
30. Рочестер був радий. що познайомився з Джейн.



1. I am glad to have told you this story.
2. I am glad to have been told this story.
3. I want to introduce you to this actress.
4. I want to be introduced to this actress.
5. I am glad to have met her at the station.
6. I am glad to have been met at the station.
7. We are happy to have invited him to the party.
8. We are happv to have been invited to the party.
9. He will be happy to visit this famous picture gallery.
10. He was happv to have visited this famous picture gallery.
11. Children like to be told fairy tales.
12.1 did not intend to stop at this station.
13. I did not expect to be stopped.
14. I am sorry' to have caused vou so much trouble.
15. He cannot stand to be told lies.
16. I remembered to have come across this word in some book.
17. I am very sorry to have missed this interesting lecture.
18. She is happv to have heard the concert of the famous Italian conductor.
19. She is glad to have been present at the lecture.
20. He is very glad to have finished his book.
21. Our sportsmen are proud to have won the cup.
22. I only want to be allowed to help you.
23.1 was grateful to have been given a room with a large window.
24. He was happy to have returned home.
25. He was happv to be at home again.
26. I am sorry to have interrupted you.
27. I am sorry not to have found vou at home.
28. Jane was happy to be leaving Mrs. Reed.
29. Rochester was glad to meet Jane.
30. Rochester was glad to have met Jane.



2. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи правильну форму інфінітива:

1. They seemed (to quarrel): I could hear angry voices from behind the door.
2. They are supposed (to work) at the problem for the last two months.
3. The only sound (to hear) was the snoring of grandfather in the bedroom.
4. Her ring was believed (to lose) until she happened (to find) it during the general cleaning. It turned out (to drop) between the sofa and the wall.
5. They seemed (to wait) for ages.
6. I hate (to bother) you, but the students are still waiting (to give) books for their work.
7. He seized every opportunity (to appear) in public: he was so anxious (to talk) about.
8. Is there anything else (to tell) her? I believe she deserves (to know) the state of her sick brother.
9. He began writing books not because he wanted (to earn) a living. He wanted (to read) and not (to forget).
10. I consider myself lucky (to be) to that famous exhibition and (to see) so many wonderful paintings.
11. He seems (to know) French very well: he is said (to spend) his youth in Paris.
12. The enemy army was reported (to overthrow) the defence lines and (to advance) towards the suburbs of the city. 13. The woman pretended (to read) and (not to hear) the bell.
14. You seem (to look) for trouble.
15. It seemed (to snow) heavily since early morning: the ground was covered with a deep layer of snow.



1. to be quarrelling. 2. to have been working. 3. to be heard. 4. to be lost, to find, to have been dropped. 5. to have been waiting. 6. to be bothering, to be given. 7. to appear, to be talked. 8. to tell, to know. 9. to earn, to be read, not to be forgotten. 10. to have been, to have seen. 11. to know, to have spent. 12. to have overthrown, to be advancing. 13. to be reading, not to have heard. 14. to be looking. 15. to have been snowing.



3. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи правильну форму інфінітива:


1. He seems (to read) a lot.
2. He seems (to read) now.
3. He seems (to read) since morning.
4. He seems (to read) all the books in the library.
5. We expect (to be) back in two days.
6. He expected (to help) by the teacher.
7. The children seem (to play) since morning.
8. I am glad (to do) all the homework yesterday.
9. She seems (to work) at this problem ever since she came here.
10. I am sorry (to break) your pen.
11. I want (to take) you to the concert.
12. I want (to take) to the concert by my father.
13. She hoped (to help) her friends.
14. She hoped (to help) by her friends.
15. I hope (to see) you soon.




1. to read. 2. to be reading. 3. to have been reading. 4. to have read. 5. to be. 6. to be helped. 7. to have been playing. 8. to have done. 9. to have been working. 10. to have broken. 11. to take. 12. to be taken. 13. to help. 14. to be helped. 15. to see.



4. Замініть виделені частині речення нфінітивним зворотом:



1. It is certain that it will rain if you don't take your umbrella.
2. Don't promise that you will do it, if you are not sure that you can.
3. He was happy that he was praised by everybody.
4. He was very proud that he had helped his elder brother.
5. She was sorry that she had missed the beginning of the concert.
6. I am glad that I see all my friends here.
7. I was afraid of going past that place alone.
8. My sister will be thrilled when she is wearing a dress as lovely as that.
9. We must wait till we hear the examination results.
10. She is happy that she has found such a nice place to live in.
11. I should be delighted if I could join you.
12. He hopes that he will know everything by tomorrow.



1. It is certain to rain if you don't take your umbrella.
2. Don't promise to do it if you are not sure that you can.
3. He was happy to be praised bv everybody.
4. He was very proud to have helped his elder brother.
5. She was sorry to have missed the beginning of the concert.
6. I am glad to see all my friends here.
7. I was afraid to go past that place alone.
8. My sister will be thrilled to be wearing a dress as lovely as that.
9. We must wait to hear the examination results.
10. She is happy to have found such a nice place to live in.
11. I should be delighted to join you.
12. He hopes to know everything bv tomorrow.




5. Перекладіть речення.


1. Дитина була щаслива, що її привели додому.
2. Джейн згадала, що їй багато розповідали про містера Рочестері.
3. Діти були в захваті від того, що їх привели в цирк.
4. Я шкодую, що зіпсував Вам настрій.
5. Меггі була дуже стурбована тим, що забула погодувати кроликів.
6. Я страшенно радий. що зустрів Вас.
7. Пробачте, що поставив Вас у таке неприємне становище.
8. Я дуже щасливий, що мав задоволення познайомитися з Вами.
9. Я шкодую, що змусив Вас чекати.
10. Клайд був страшенно радий, що відновив своє знайомство з Сондріо​​.
11. Вибачте, що я не помітив Вас.
12. Я шкодую, що додав неприємностей тим, що розповів Вам.
13. Коли Клайд подивився на дівчину уважно, він згадав, що бачив її в компанії Сондри.
14. Я згадав, що був зворушений сценою, яку спостерігав.



1. The child was happy to have been brought home.
2. Jane remembered to have been told a lot about Mr. Rochester.
3. The children were delighted to have been brought to the circus.
4. I am sorry to have spoilt your mood.
5. Maggie was very sorry to have forgotten to feed the rabbits.
6. Iam awfully glad to have met you.
7. Sorry to have placed you in this disagreeable situation.
8. I am very happy to have had the pleasure of making your acquaintance.
9. I am sorry to have kept you waiting.
10. Clyde was awfully glad to have renewed his acquaintance with Sondra.
11. Sony not to have noticed you.
12. I am sorry to have added some more trouble by what I have told you.
13. When Clyde looked at the girl closely, he remembered to have seen her in Sondra's company.
14. I remembered to have been moved by the scene I witnessed.




6. Перекладіть речення.


1. Грати в шахи було його найбільшим задоволенням.
2. Дитина не любила, коли її мили.
3. Чи не правда, це природно, що ми любимо, коли нас хвалять, і не любимо, коли нас лають?
4. Що більш приємно: робити подарунки або отримувати їх?
5. У природи є багато секретів, які мають бути відкритими.
6. Щоб поліпшити ваше вимову, вам слід записувати й аналізувати вашу мову.
7. Це книга, яку треба прочитати під час літніх канікул.
8. Проходити навчання у такого хорошого фахівця було великою перевагою.
9. Він дуже забудькуватий, але не любить, коли йому нагадують про його обов'язки.



1. То play chess was his greatest pleasure.
2. The child did not like to be washed.
3. Isn't it natural that we like to be praised and don't like to be scolded?
4. Which is more pleasant: to give or to be given presents?
5. Nature has many secrets to be discovered yet.
6. To improve your pronunciation you should record yourself and analyse your speech.
7. This is the book to be read during the summer holidays.
8. To be instructed by such a good specialist was a great advantage.
9. He is very forgetful, but he doesn't like to be reminded of his duties.



7. Translate into English.


1. Вона була занадто мала, щоб запам'ятати те, що відбулося. (incident).
2. Він той самий чоловік, з которим можна поговорити з цього питання.
3. Для нього важливо отримати інформацію сьогодні.
4. Ось гроші, які ми можемо витратити на меблі,
5. Вони дуже задоволені (pleased), що їх запросили на конференцію (conference).
6. Ви будете виступати (speak) первим.
7. На цю помилку треба звернути особливу (particular) увагу.
8. Ти б краще залишився вдома.
9. З його сторони благородно (great) зробити все (do one's best) для того, щоб врятувати їх.
10. Він не знав, що робити далі і до кого звертатися з проханням (make a request).
11. Він пізніше всіх розгадав її наміри (intentions).
12. Я б вважав за краще поїхати туди на ма ¬ шині, а не на літаку.
13. Вже зовсім темно, давно пора включити світло.
14. Йому пора звернутися до врачу.
15. Мені кращє відпочивати де-небудь на морі, а не сидіти на дачі.


1. She was too small to remember the incident.
2. He is the person to speak to on this question.
3. It is important for him to receive the information today.
4. Here is the money to spend on the furniture.
5. They are very pleased to be invited to the conference.
6. You will be the first to speak.
7. This mistake must be paid particular attention to.
8. You'd better stay at home.
9. It's great of him to do his best to save them.
10. He did not know what to do next and who to make the request to.
11. He was the last to guess her intentions.
12. I'd rather go there by train than fly (by plane). I'd prefer to go there by train rather than fly (by plane).
13. It's quite dark already, it's high time to turn on the light.
14. It's time he saw a doctor. It's time for him to see a doctor.
15. І  prefer to have a holiday somewhere by the sea rather than stay in the country.

Категорія: English Grammar | Додав: Tan (03.09.2014)
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